Ear Shaping
  Eyelid surgery
  Face Lift 
  Forehead lift or Brow lift
  Rhinoplasty(NOSE SURGERY)
      Fat Grafting







Ear Shaping                                                                                                                                                          << TOP
  What does the otoplasty operation entail?
  How long is the recovery period?
  When can I return to school or work?
  Does insurance ever pay for otoplasty surgery?
  What are the common risks of otoplasty?




What does the otoplasty operation entail?

An incision is made behind the ear in the natural crease where the ear and head join. The skin is loosened from thecartilage of the ear. The cartilage is often reshaped with stitches to give a more natural look to the ear.




How long is the recovery period?

For one week following the operation, you will wear a protective dressing over your ear(s) to protect the delicate stitches placed during the operation. After one week, you will be back in the office and remove any stitches that were placed.My patients are encouraged  to purchase a sports headband and to wear this around the ears at night and while sleeping for four to six weeks following surgery.




When can I return to school or work?

If absolutely necessary, you could return to work three to four days after the operation. Because of the protective ear dressing placed during surgery, most patients arrange to have one week off from work or school.




Does insurance ever pay for otoplasty surgery?

In some situations, particularly for young children, insurance companies may view otoplasty as covered under your policy. Our staff can help you determine this before surgery. If not covered by your insurance carrier, payments can be made prior to surgery.

After your consultation you will leave the office with an easy to understand written quote in which we will list the cost of these three components for your individualized surgical plan. Keep in mind that the facility and anesthesia fees are time-based and so may be increased, or decreased, based on the actual final length of your surgery.




What are the common risks of otoplasty?

Every type of surgery has risks. It’s my ethical responsibility to educate you on these risks so you can make the best possible decision for yourself while weighing these risks against the benefits of surgery. My training helps me to minimize these risks to the best of my ability, but I cannot eliminate them entirely.

Common risks include infection of stitches. Corrected ears may relax over the first month or two following surgery, so I often over-correct them slightly during surgery.

The risks above are the most common ones that I think you should be aware of, but they are not a complete list of all possible risks.






Lower Eyelid surgery                                                                                                                                         << TOP
  How is lower eyelid blepharoplasty performed?
   How long does this surgery take?
  Will I have to stay in the hospital?
  How much pain is there?
  What can I expect after surgery?
  What is the recovery period like?
  What is the long-term outcome like for most people?
  Who is an deal Candidate?




How is lower eyelid blepharoplasty performed?

For lower lid blepharoplasty:
1. An incision is made along the lash line.
2. Excess fat, muscle and skin are removed.
3. Fine sutures are used to close the incision.
4. Permanent stitches will be removed 3-5 days after the procedure.

If you have a pocket of fat beneath your lower eyelids, but do not need to have any loose skin removed, your surgeon may recommend a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. In this procedure the incision is made inside your lower eyelid, leaving no visible scar.

It is usually performed on younger patients with fatty lower eyelids. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty does not tighten the skin, but nicely reduces the puffiness in the lower eyelid region without visible scars.

For transconjunctival blepharoplasty:
1. Incision is made on the inside of the lower eyelid
2. Excess fat and muscle are removed (no tightening or removing of skin)
3. Incision is closed with self-dissolving sutures or they will heal naturally without sutures.




How long does the surgery take?

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty generally takes about one to three hours to complete, depending on the technique used and the extent of the repair.



  Will I have to stay in the hospital?

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is performed on an out patient basis, in a surgical suite under local anesthesia, sometimes with light sedation by mouth. General anesthesia is reserved for patient's preference but usually can easily be avoided.



How much pain is there?

nitially, you may feel a tight sensation around the eyes, with minor discomfort that lasts for a day or two. A mild pain reliever can be taken as needed. People who have had the procedure are often surprised at how painless eyelid surgery can be. Many times, isolated eyelid surgery can be performed under local anesthesia with a total recovery time as short as 5 to 7 days. (Recovery time varies from person to person.)




What can I expect after surgery?

After surgery, the physician will lubricate your eyes with ointment to reduce dryness in this area. Your vision may be blurred temporarily from the ointment. The first two days after surgery, you should rest with your head elevated. It will help to gently apply cold compresses to your eyelids.




What is the recovery period like?

At first the incisions will be red and somewhat bumpy. Eventually, the resulting scar should become flat and inconspicuous. Your sutures will be removed within the first three to five days. The swelling and discoloration around your eyes will gradually fade, and you'll start to look and feel better each day. Swelling and bruising varies a lot from person to person. Bruising typically disappears within ten days. Within the first week you will be able to use makeup, if desired, to conceal any discoloration.

Your vision may be somewhat blurry for a few days or longer. Your eyes may be temporarily sensitive to light, and you may experience excess tearing or dryness. You may receive eye drops to help relieve any itching. Your surgeon will recommend lying quietly with eyes primarily closed for the first 36 hours after your eyelid surgery.




 What is the long-term outcome like for most people?

The more alert, youthful look that this surgery provides is usually long lasting. Thin scars may remain slightly pink for a few months, but can easily be concealed with makeup. They eventually fade to a thin, nearly invisible white line. The removal of fat is permanent, but the looseness of the skin and fine wrinkling of the eyelid area can return in the future. Even though the aging process continues, patients are usually happy with their appearance for many years following eyelid surgery. (remember sunscreen is the best plastic surgeon!)




 Who is an Ideal Candidate?

The best candidates for upper eyelid blepharoplasty are people:
* 18 years of age or older
* In good physical health
* Understanding the procedure's outcome
* Desiring correction of droopy, baggy eyelids
* With no known ophthalmic conditions such as glaucoma or detached retina
* With no known medical conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, circulatory problems, hypothyroidism or other thyroid related conditions.
* Having realistic expectations for the outcome

The above is only a partial list of the criteria that your surgeon will consider in determining whether or not this procedure is appropriate for you during your consultation.





Upper Eyelid surgery                                                                                                                                          << TOP

  How is upper eyelid blepharoplasty performed?
  How long does this surgery take?
  Will I have to stay in the hospital?
  How much pain is there?

What can I expect after surgery?

  What is the recovery period like?
  What is the long-term outcome like for most people?
  Who is an deal Candidate?


How is upper eyelid blepharoplasty performed?

The upper eyelid incision is made in the natural skin fold. Excess skin and fatty tissue is removed, the muscles and orbital septum (a thin connective tissue membrane) may be tightened.

The external incisions are hidden within the natural fold in the upper eyelids. Much of the operation is done with a very fine electrocautery, which controls any bleeding. The skin is then closed with very fine sutures.


How long does the surgery take?

Upper eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty generally takes about one to three hours to complete, depending on the technique used and the extent of the repair need to be performed..


Will I have to stay in the hospital?

Upper eyelid surgery ,blepharoplasty is performed in a surgery center or hospital as an outpatient. Local anesthesia is used often with the addition of light sedation by mouth. Patients return to their hotel with their personal assistants the same day.


How much pain is there?

nitially, you may feel a tight sensation around the eyes, with minor discomfort that lasts for a day or two. A pain reliever can be taken as needed although most patients do not require it. People who have had the procedure are often surprised at how painless eyelid surgery can be. Recovery time can vary from person to person You will be able to return to light activities within 5 to 7 days.



What can I expect after surgery?

After surgery, your surgeon will lubricate your eyes with ointment to reduce dryness in this area. (Your vision may be blurred temporarily from the ointment.) The first two days after surgery, you should rest with your head elevated. Your surgeon will most likely recommend gentle application of cold compresses to your eyelids and that you lay quietly with your eyes mostly closed for about a day.



What is the recovery period like?

At first the incisions will be red and somewhat bumpy. Eventually, the resulting scar should become flat and inconspicuous. Your sutures (stitches) will be removed sometime within the first four to five days. The swelling and discoloration around your eyes will gradually subside, and you'll start to look and feel better each day. Swelling and bruising varies considerably from person to person. Bruising typically disappears within seven to ten days. Within the first week you can use makeup, if desired, to conceal any discoloration.

Your vision may continue to be somewhat blurry for a few days. Your eyes may be temporarily sensitive to light, and you may experience excess tearing or dryness. You may receive eye drops to help relieve any itching.



What is the long-term outcome like for most people?

The more alert, youthful look that this surgery provides is usually long lasting. Thin scars may remain slightly pink for several months, but are easly concealed with makeup. They will fade to a thin, nearly invisible white line. The removal of fat is permanent, but the looseness of the skin and fine wrinkling of the eyelid area can return in the future.(remember sunscreen is the best plastic surgeon!) Even though the aging process continues, patients are usually happy with their appearance for many years following eyelid surgery.



Who is an Ideal Candidate?

The best candidates for upper eyelid blepharoplasty are people:
* 18 years of age or older
* In good physical health
* Is a non smoker
* Understanding the procedure's outcome
* Desiring correction of droopy, baggy eyelids
* With no known ophthalmologic conditions such as glaucoma or detached retina.
* With no known medical conditions such as high blood pressure, circulatory problems, hypothyroidism or other thyroid related conditions. * Having realistic expectations for the outcome

The above is only a partial list of the criteria that your surgeon will consider in determining whether or not this procedure is appropriate for you during your consultation.






 Face Lift                                                                                                                                                               << TOP
  How is a facelift performed?
  What can I expect from my face lift?
  What age is best for a facelift?
  Can a facelift be combined with other surgery?
  What area of the face is not improved by a facelift?

How should I prepare for surgery?

  Will there be pain after a facelift?
  How long will I be in surgery?
  How long is the recuperation period?

What type of anesthetic is used?

  Will my head be shaved for the facelift surgery?
   When do the stitches come out?
   How long do facelift results last?
  Can complications occur?
  Can insurance cover a facelift?
  Where is the surgery performed?
  Will a bandage be applied?
  When are the stitches removed?
  When can I apply make-up?
  When can I get my hair done?
  Who takes care of me after my facelift?
  What happens after the surgery?




A facelift raises the facial skin, muscles, and subcutaneous tissue to restore a more youthful contour. In order to do this, incisions within the hairline and natural creases along the ear allow access to the deeper structures. If needed, through a small incision beneath the chin, your surgeon will remove the excess fat of the neck and tighten the neckbands that form” the turkey neck”. The skin is pulled up and back, removing the excess behind the ears. All incisions are then sewn together.




The purpose of a facelift is to make you look as good as possible. The facelift will improve the cheeks, and the jaw line; it will also improve neck-line by removing any excess fat that forms a double chin and neck-bands that form the turkey neck. Results are more predictable in some patient than in others. Influencing factors include the physical condition of the face, thickness and condition of the skin, facial fat, age, the amount of wrinkles, the bone structure, heredity and hormonal changes.
Smoking is another important factor, as well, so important there are many plastic surgeons who refuse to perform a facelift on heavy smokers.




As soon as you notice the signs of aging you’re a good candidate for the procedure; these are:
1) deep lines or folds running from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth (smile lines).
2) jowls or loss of well defined jaw line.
3) deep wrinkles in the cheeks and sagging of the "highlight" areas of the cheekbone.
4) loose skin wrinkles vertical cords or excess fatty tissue in the neck.



Yes. Facelifts are most frequently preformed in combination with forehead lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery and correction of smile lines with fat grafts.



The facelift will correct the lower portion of the face, cheeks, jowls, and the entire neck. It will not improve the upper portion of the face, the position of the eyebrows, the wrinkles between the eyebrows and the excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids or the lower eyelid bags. It will do a little for the smile lines and the wrinkles around the mouth.



If you smoke, you must stop smoking at least two to three weeks before surgery. Smoking interferes with blood flow to the skin and can effect healing of the incision areas. It can cause scabbing and unsightly scars in visible places.

Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medication can cause excessive bleeding so you should not take these medications for two weeks before surgery.

If you wish to lose more than 15 pounds of weight, you should do so before the surgery so that all the skin that will sag can be removed at the time of the face-lift.



Although you may eat anything you wish after surgery, most people find that they will not have an appetite the first evening. Take plenty of fluids and a soft diet that requires minimal chewing or opening the mouth. The dressing around the chin and cheeks may make it difficult to chew and open the moth completely.



Neither a facelift nor it’s recovery period are painful. Most patients experience a mild discomfort after surgery that is relieved with oral medication. The discomfort is usually in the back part of the neck and it is usually gone by the morning after surgery.




It depends on the amount of correction necessary. On the average a facelift takes 2 to 4 hours



There will be bruising of the face and neck for approximately 10 to 14 days. By this time all the stitches will be removed and you can resume normal activity and work.




The operation can be done with a strong sedative and local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

Some patients do not want to hear or see anything that is going on in the operating room. For these patients we recommend general anesthesia.




NO. Most of the incisions are inside the scalp and having long hair will help hide the scars and stitches during the healing period for both men and women



Most of the stitches may be self absorbable. The non-absorbable stitches are removed at seven to fourteen days depending on the healing process.



The procedure will improve your present appearance but will not stop the aging process. Depending on how well you take care of yourself the results of a facelift can last 5 to 10 years. In very few patients those who age more rapidly may desire another operation in less than 5 years. On the other hand, there are those who never require it again. Each person is different. In order to have your results last longer, it is important to maintain your weight steady, avoid sun exposure, and maintain the skin, keep it hydrated and protected from the sun with moisturizers and sun blocks.




Significant complications from facelifts are very infrequent. Every year thousands of people undergo successful facelift surgery and experience no major problems, and being pleased with their results. All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk. Individuals vary greatly in their anatomy, physical reaction, healing abilities, and the out come is never completely predictable. Complications that can occur include hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin that must be removed by the surgeon), injury to nerves that control facial muscles ( usually temporary), infection, and reactions to the anesthesia or medication. Poor healing of the skin is most likely to affect smokers.



NO. A face-lift procedure like any cosmetic plastic surgery is not covered by medical insurance.



For a minilift or a Lifestyle lift, the procedure can be performed in an office outpatient setting. For a full facelift, and when combined with other procedures, this will be done in a hospital operating



YES, to the head and the neck. They are removed the day after surgery in your first appointment. The bandage is designed to maintain the operated area as immobile as possible, to protect the incisions from the environment and to help minimize bruising and swelling. They are removed on the first post-operative day and after a light elastic bandage is placed around the chin.



The first stitches are removed approximately on the fifth day, and the remaining are usually removed around the tenth day. The process is quick and uncomplicated. The surgeon or other members of the staff always remove sutures.



On about the 10th day for the full make up. Camouflage make up could be placed prior to that time.




Shampooing your hair can begin two days after surgery. The stitches should get wet. This helps in the cleaning process. You may apply rollers loosely. You may use a hair dryer in the medium to low setting, never hot because you may not have full sensation of the surgical area and could cause a burn. Tinting or coloring may begin three weeks following surgery.



Yourself or an assistant or relative at home or hotel room.




It is normal to develop bruises and swelling of the face and neck followed by a period where you look strange to yourself. If the face-lift is combined with eyelid and forehead surgery, the swelling will be present in more areas of the face, but you should be ready to resume our normal lifestyle in about two weeks. Slight emotional depression right after surgery can occur and usually happens at a time where you look the worst. Fortunately this will pass quickly..





Forehead lift or Brow lift                                                                                                                                    << TOP
  What is a Brow Lift / Forehead lift?
  When can a Brow Lift / Forehead lift be performed?
  What is a typical Brow Lift / Forehead lift consultation like?
  How is a Brow Lift / Forehead lift performed?
  What should I expect after a Brow Lift /Forehead lift?

How long after surgery will the stitches be removed?

  When will I be able to see the final results from a Brow Lift / Forehead lift?
  What are the typical risks of a Brow Lift / Forehead lift?



A brow lift, or forehead lift, is a procedure to reduce the angry or tired look of the brows by excising a bit of skin and resituating or lifting the muscles and suturing them higher.




A brow lift is usually performed during the late 20's and upwards. There are endoscopic techniques which do not give a more intensive lift that older patients may need and of course the other techniques, such as the coronal, may be a great option for those who do need extensive lifting.



your surgeon will go over your options that can realistically attain your goals. You will discuss the risks and complications as well as anesthesia choices and fees. As well as what to expect post-operatively. This is the time where you can ask questions regarding your concerns and determine if this surgeon is for you. Do not be afraid to inquire about anything.



After you are anesthetized or sedated, your surgeon will determine the area which need to be excised and where the best incision placements would be for your particular needs. You will have this skin dissected and your surgeon will move and suture your muscle or skin, depending. Or he may excise or clip your corrugator muscle to prohibit or hinder you from frowning in the future. After the internal work has been done your incisions will be sutured and a pressure dressing will be applied. 



Expect to be swollen, tender and possibly bruised. This is very normal so do not be alarmed at the presence of any of the above. If you are in pain, take your prescribed medications and do not forget to take your antibiotics and apply your eye salves if instructed. You will be groggy from the anesthetic this is a normal thing, do not fight it. This helps you rest and adjust to your healing period without memory of pain.



The sutures and/or staples will be removed in a week to 10 days. It may hurt a little but your surgeon can give you injections of a lidocaine (a pain reliever).



The results are immediate but you will be swollen, remember to be patient during the healing period and the full results should be visible in a few months. Any numbness along the incisions should subside by 6 months but may remain indefinitely in some patients. Remember that as each day goes on you will be that much closer to your final result, so be patient.




There is a chance of hematoma (blood clots), numbness from nerve damage and hyperpigmentation (permanent discolorations) caused by the bruising. There may be asymmetry and/or undesired results resulting from your browlift. Possible infections may arise and scarring can be apparent depending on the incision placement. There can be necrosis of the tissues at the incision lines, resulting in additional tissue removal. If performed by an unskilled surgeon, it is very possible to have your skin pulled too tight and result in a very surprised look. Although you may look this way at first, it should relax.




RHINOPLASTY (NOSE SURGERY)                                                                                                                    << TOP
  What is a Rhinoplasty?
  What is the difference between Rhinoplasty and Rhinoseptoplasty?
  What is a Nosejob?
  Who can get Rhinoplasty?
  Am I a good candidate for Rhinoplasty?

What are the possible risks of a Rhinoplasty procedure?

  How long does a rhinoplasty procedure last?
  What type of anesthesia is Rhinoplasty performed with?
  Will I have scars from a Rhinoplasty?
  Is rhinoplasty an inpatient or outpatient procedure?
  When will the cast be taken off and does this hurt?
  How much downtime is associated with a Rhinoplasty?
  Can a Rhinoplasty procedure be financed?



Rhinoplasty/rhinoseptoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure to reshape the nose. Commonly referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty can correct several cosmetic issues this surgery can have a subtle or dramatic effect on your face.
a septoplasty is a surgery to help clear airway issues and is often combined with rhinoplasty.



Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure dealing with cosemetic issues only where as a rhinoseptoplasty deals with cosmetic issues as well as airway issues



A nosejob is the common name for rhinoplasty the cosmetic surgery.


Who can get Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be performed on anyone, in good health. It is recommended that people do not have a rhinoplasty / nosejob procedure until they have fully grown because they nose shape can continue to grow. A qualified rhinoplasty surgeon will thoroughly evaluate the rhinoplasty candidate to make sure they are a suitable candidate.




Any person may want a subtle or dramatic change to the shape of his/her nose. This may very well be a needed change or it may be an unrealistic demand. Your surgeon will help you achieve a realistic expectation of the final outcome based on the existing shape and the desired look.



Rhinoplasty procedures are considered safe and hundreds of thousands rhinoplasty surgeries are performed every year without complication, but every surgical procedure is associated with a risk for complication that the patient must be aware of. An adverse reaction to anesthesia is always a risk factor with rhinoplasty, in addition to hematoma and tiny, red spots after the procedure that are usually minor but permanent. Your surgeon should always review all the risk factors prior to the procedure.




Rhinoplasty is a permanent cosmetic procedure other than the changes that come with your natural aging how long is the surgical time for rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty typically takes between two and three hours to perform.



Rhinoplasty is normally performed with a combination of local anesthesia and sedation or with general anesthesia.



Incisions are most often made inside the nose during a rhinoplasty procedure, so you should have no visable scars. Which allows for no scarring. In certain instances, including when a patient wishes to narrow their nostrils, the surgeon will make incisions at the base of the nose. A surgeon that is skilled at performing rhinoplasty procedures will be able to make incisions that are more easily concealed and will fade over time to become barely noticeable.




Rhinoplasty is normally performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require an overnight stay.



The cast is removed approximately 7 days post-operatively. You will feel a slight stiffness in the upper lip as the swelling "moves downward". This will subside in a matter of hours. You must be very careful not to bump it as it is vulnerable to breakage. If you had a rhinoplasty where the nostrils were narrowed you will have your sutures removed. This may sting a bit, especially since it is in a sensitive area. Although most people still feel numb in the tip area and report only minor discomfort.



Following a rhinoplasty procedure you should expect swelling and bruising that could take about three weeks to subside. The swelling and bruising will be the worst right after your surgery for a couple days. Approximately 80% of the swelling and 100% of the discoloration are usually gone by 2-3 weeks after surgery. 90% of the swelling is gone by three months after surgery and the rest slowly disappears over the next year all normal activities will be able to be resumed within one month.



Financing is available for many plastic surgery procedures.





 FILLERS: RESTYLANE OR OTHER                                                                                                                   << TOP
  Can the Restylane products be combined with other types of implants?
  How long does the effect of a treatment with a Restylane product last?
  Are there any side effects or adverse reactions?
  Can the products be used for patients during pregnancy or lactation?
  Are there any known interactions with antibiotic?

Can patients with different kinds of allergies be more sensitive to the Products?

  If a patient has had problems with recurrent facial herpes simplex can treatment with Restylane?
  Should you give patients suffering from herpes ‘special’ treatment?
  Should the Restylane products cause hyperpigmentation?
  Can a patient suffering from an autoimmune disease be treated with the Restylane products?
  Why do the lips sometimes become very swollen immediately after treatment?
  How long does the swelling normally last?
  What happens if you use laser or chemical peeling on top of an area treated with a Restylane?
  If a patient has had laser treatment, how long should you wait before treating with a Restylane?


Can the Restylane products be combined with other types of implants?

Restylane, Restylane Touch and Restylane Perlane should not be used together with any other injectable implant. The Restylane products should not be injected into an area where a permanent implant has been placed.


How long does the effect of a treatment with a Restylane product last?

Lines, wrinkles and folds:

In general, follow up treatment is needed after 6-12 months.
In general follow up treatment is needed after about 6 months.
But it depends on many factors, such as the structure of the skin, lifestyle, age, the degree of perfection demanded by the patient and the injection technique of the practitioner. Clinical experience indicates that touch up and follow up treatment will add to the duration.


Are there any side effects or adverse reactions?

Yes, after the injection of a Restylane produce, some common injection related reactions might occur. These reactions include erythema, swelling, pain, itching, discolouration or tenderness at the implant site.
Reactions thought to be of a hypersensitivity nature have been reported in about 1 in every 2,000 treatments, Other types of reactions are even more rare.


Can the products be used for patients during pregnancy or lactation?

Treatment with Restylane, Restylane Touch and Restylane Perlane during pregnancy or lactation has not been tested.


Are there any known interactions with antibiotic?

Treatment with the products in combination with other drugs and devices has not been tested for.
Theoretically there is no basis for an interaction with commonly used antibiotics.


Can patients with different kinds of allergies be more sensitive to the Products?

So far we have seen no connection between patients with allergies and patients that report a reaction to Restylane, Restylane Touch and Restylane Perlane.


If a patient has had problems with recurrent facial herpes simplex can treatment with a Restylane?

There is a risk that the injection process itself, i.e. the insertion of a needle into the skin could contribute to another herpes simplex eruption.



Should you give patients suffering from herpes ‘special’ treatment?

The physician should take a decision about the need for prophylactic treatment in consultation with the patient.


Should the Restylane products cause hyperpigmentation?

No such problem have been reported.


Can a patient suffering from an autoimmune disease be treated with the Restylane products?

Clinical experience of treating patients with an autoimmune disease is very limited, but there is no indication of an increased risk. Theoretically there is no reason to assume hat there should be an increased risk in treating these patients with the Restylane products. It is at the discretion of the practitioner to decide in each case, taking into account, e.g. the specific disease, concomitant medications etc.


Why do the lips sometimes become very swollen immediately after treatment?

Unfortunately we do not yet know the cause of this but we have no reason to believe that this is an immunological reaction.


How long does the swelling normally last?

Normally the swelling is gone within a week after injection into the lips.



What happens if you use laser or chemical peeling on top of an area treated with a Restylane?


If laser treatment, chemical peeling or any other procedure based on active dermal response is considered after treatment with a Restylane product, there is a theoretical risk of eliciting an inflammatory reaction at the implant site. This also applies if a Restylane product is administered before the skin has healed completely after such as procedure.


If a patient has had laser treatment, how long should you wait before treating with a Restylane?

It is recommended to wait until the treated area is totally healed (normally 4-6 weeks).





Botox                                                                                                                                                                      << TOP
  What exactly is BOTOX® Cosmetic?
  How does BOTOX® Cosmetic work?
  When will I see results from a BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment?
  How long does BOTOX® Cosmetic last?
  Who should administer BOTOX® Cosmetic?

Is treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic painful?

  Who should not use BOTOX® Cosmetic?
  Will I experience any side effects?
  Will my facial expressions continue to look natural?
  Is BOTOX® Cosmetic affordable?


What exactly is BOTOX® Cosmetic?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It is a nonsurgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily reduce moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in people 18 to 65 years of age. During treatment, very low doses of BOTOX® Cosmetic are administered via a few tiny injections directly into the muscles that cause those stubborn lines. The treatment is usually done in about 10 minutes, and no recovery time is needed. Within days, you may see an improvement that can last up to 4 months. Results may vary.


How does BOTOX® Cosmetic work?

Those moderate to severe frown lines between your brows form over time as the result of muscle activity. BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected directly into the muscles between your brows. It works by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the injected muscles; this reduces the activity of the muscles that cause those persistent lines to form.


When will I see results from a BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment?

Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows. Lines continue to improve for up to a month, and results can last for up to 4 months. In clinical trials, nearly 90% of men and women rated the improvement in their appearance as moderate to better 1 month after treatment. Results may vary.


How long does BOTOX® Cosmetic last?

Results from treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic can last for up to 4 months. If you discontinue treatment, the frown lines between your brows gradually will look like they did before treatment. Botox will not make your lines looks worse after the effect had faded.


Who should administer BOTOX® Cosmetic?

Any authorized healthcare professional can administer BOTOX® Cosmetic, but dermatologists, plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists (ear, nose, and throat doctors), or other physicians specializing in cosmetic procedures are generally more experienced. One of these physicians can help you decide if BOTOX® Cosmetic is right for you.Choose the physician that will understand your needs and gives a Natural result.


s treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic painful?

Discomfort is usually minimal and brief. Prior to injecting, your physician may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes. Many people are in and out of the physician’s office without downtime following BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment.


Who should not use BOTOX® Cosmetic?

BOTOX® Cosmetic should not be used in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site(s) and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation. Patients with neuromuscular disorders such as ALS, myasthenia gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome may be at increased risk of serious side effects.


Will I experience any side effects?

The most common side effects following injection include temporary eyelid droop and nausea. Localized pain, infection, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, redness, and/or bleeding/bruising may be associated with the injection. Patients with certain neuromuscular disorders such as ALS, myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome may be at increased risk of serious side effects.


Will my facial expressions continue to look natural?

Although the results are visible, a treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you "had work done." The muscle activity that causes frown lines between the brows is simply reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised without the wrinkles and creases between your brows.
What will happen to the frown lines between my brows if I choose not to continue treatments?
If you do not continue treatments, the moderate to severe frown lines between your brows will gradually look like they did before treatment.


Is BOTOX® Cosmetic affordable?

When considering your facial aesthetic options, BOTOX® Cosmetic is quite affordable. According to an American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery survey, BOTOX® Cosmetic is one of the low-entry-cost facial aesthetic procedures in the United States. Like other appearance-related investments, such as hair coloring and cuts, teeth whitening, and chemical peels, the cost must be weighed relative to your expectations. Consult your doctor for further information.





Fat Grafting                                                                                                                                                           << TOP
  What is Fat Grafting?
  When can Fat Grafting be performed?
  What does a typical Fat Grafting consultation entail?
  How is Fat Grafting performed?
  What should I expect post-operatively?

When will the stitches be removed from my donor site and does this hurt?

  When will I be able to see the results?
  What are the risks of Fat Grafting?
  Are the results permanent?


What is Fat Grafting?

Fat grafting is the procedure where your own fat stores are utilized to augment, rejuvenate or correct. Fat grafting can be used to augment the cheeks or lips or anywhere else augmentation is desired, correct tissue deficiencies or simply rejuvenate the mature or thin face for a more "refreshed" look.
Fat Grafting is also referred to as free fat transfer, liposculpture, lipostructure, Space Lift® and others.


When can Fat Grafting be performed?

Fat Grafting usually performed anywhere from 16 and up. Ask your surgeon what he thinks and what ages he usually performs this procedure on s it can be different from surgeon to surgeon. It certainly can correct "deficiencies" or create symmetry in younger persons as well as augmentation and rejuvenation in those who need it, regardless of age.


What does a typical Fat Grafting consultation entail?

The surgeon will go over your desires with you and explain your options. He r she will discuss what can realistically be achieved through this procedure, discuss with you the risks and complications as well as determine the amount of augmentation you will need.
Not everyone is a great candidate for fat grafting so go over all of your habits, including if you smoke, your metabolism and activity levels. Ask to see photos of his or her patients and ask for a referral list sop that you may discuss your concerns or ask questions from the surgeon's own patients.


How is Fat Grafting performed?

excess fat is removed from stubborn, fatty pockets, treated and/or "spun" and gently inspected for viable and whole fat cells. The fat cells are carefully re-implanted using various techniques and you are sent home to care for your treatment areas as discussed at your preoperative appointment.



 What should I expect post-operatively?

You can expect to be swollen, possibly bruised and a little sore. This is all normal and should be realized beforehand. Patients who know what to expect are often better informed, and well balanced afterwards and recover more easily s opposed to those who are not told what to expect.
You will be instructed to take all of your medications on time, keep you treatment area immobile and allow proper healing. This includes no high impact exercise or activities for approximately 2-3 weeks, depending upon the extent of the surgery. Please discuss this with your surgeon as the treatment type and/or area changes the pre-operative protocol.


When will the stitches be removed from my donor site and does this hurt?

Depending upon what other procedure were performed and what the preferences unique to your own surgeon, you may or may not have sutures. Some surgeons remove fat with larger cannulas, some with smaller ones and even others with special hypodermic needles. It is necessary to ask your own surgeon as you may not even require sutures for your donor suite.
Incidentally, some lip augmentation with fat grafting may require sutures. Some surgeons use long "threads" of fat implanted in a line within the lips and may need a suture at the injection area.



When will I be able to see the results?

You will see immediate results and it might appear too augmented for your taste, this is often the swelling and possibly "overstuffing" of the fat to increase longevity. However, not all surgeons overstuff so be advised of your own surgeons technique preference. The swelling will subside and you will usually be able to view your true results in 3-4 months although you may lose fat after that as your body either metabolizes it, the fat proved to be damaged or otherwise.


What are the risks of Fat Grafting?

The risks for fat grafting are asymmetry, infection, fatty cysts, hematoma, fat embolism, seroma, permanent discoloration from the bruises and others.


Are the results permanent?

It depends. There are unfortunately many factors involved and it is most certainly surgeon-dependent. Some surgeons are able to get 10% longevity and even other up to 90%! So research your surgeon carefully, determine the differences in technique and discuss with their own patients, the amount of augmentation or enhancement left after several months or even years. It really depends but yes it is very possible to receive permanent results. Just know that fat naturally is lost as we age - so permanency may depend on your definition of it. It may last you many, many years but will more than likely not last you the rest of your life as you age.


Breast reduction                                                                                                                                                 << TOP



WARNING: this herb should never be taken in raw form. This plant, like many medicinal plants if ingested, can cause intestinal bleeding, abdominal cramping and sickness. Homeopathy is the medicinal use of tinctures and suspensions using herbs and other plants and should never be consumed without proper preparation. Only respectable homeopathic remedies and tinctures should be consumed. Arnica Montana has been used in Europe for centuries to treat swelling, soreness and bruising. This product is often misunderstood when confused with ingesting the arnica plant in its raw form. When properly prepared, arnica may significantly decrease healing time or the appearance of such. There are many formulations from different companies although many sub-lingual (under the tongue) brands can be considered mild and not strong enough for more traumatic planned traumas such as plastic surgery. There is a stronger formulation that many plastic surgeons recommend for their patients. Many patients do use weaker formulations available and standard health food stores. Ask your surgeon before using anything new!




Body contouring                                                                                                                                                  << TOP
  What is Abdominoplasty?
  Am I candidate for Abdominoplasty?
  When is Abdominoplasty usually performed?
  What does a typical Abdominoplasty consultation entail?
  How is Abdominoplasty performed?

What are the different techniques for Abdominoplasty?

  What should I expect post-operatively?
  Is there much pain associated with Abdominoplasty?
  Where are the scars located involving Abdominoplasty?
  Is there a lot of swelling involved with Abdominoplasty?
  When can I return to work?
  When will I be able to see the results?
  What are the risks of Abdominoplasty?
  What is Arnica montana, I have heard that it reduces swelling and bruising?
  How long does an Abdominoplasty last?


What is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck or simply TT, is the surgery of the abdomen to remove the excess skin and fat that may accumulate after pregnancy, obesity or age. With a full abdominoplasty, benefits are also tightening of the abdominal muscles that may have become stretched out or lax over time. Even a new belly button can be obtained as a result! If you have an outtie or even an innie -- the opposite can be acquired to go along with your new, taut stomach! This isn't a simple procedure and you should definitely be aware of the risks and post-operative care and attendance that will be needed.


Am I a candidate for Abdominoplasty?

First and foremost, an individual must be in good health, not have any active diseases or serious, pre-existing medical conditions and must have realistic expectations of the outcome of their surgery. Communication is crucial in reaching one's goals. You must be able to voice your desires to your surgeon if he/she is to understand what your desired results are. Discuss you goals with your surgeon so that you may reach an understanding with what can realistically be achieved.
You must be mentally and emotionally stable to undergo an cosmetic procedure. This is an operation which requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period. There is sometimes a lull or depression after surgery and if there is already a pre-existing emotional problem, this low period can develop into a more serious issue. Please consider this before committing to a procedure. If the above describes you and you have the desire to rid yourself of loose sagging skin of the abdominal area, you may be a good candidate for Abdominoplasty. An ideal patient would have incredibly elastic skin. But, of course, we human beings are never ideal. But good elasticity certainly helps!
Normally women seek this procedure after pregnancy - although it is advised to wait until you are finished having children to have this procedure as the skin and muscles can get stretched out again as well as the dangers of your newly taut skin being unable to accommodate another pregnancy.
Also, if you are considering losing weight you should wait until after your desired weight is met. You may need additional surgery to remove the excess skin after you have lost the desired weight which would mean that the money spent on the previous abdominoplasty would be wasted and your skin can only be stretched so much.



When is Abdominoplasty usually performed?

The Abdominoplasty procedure is usually performed when a person is discontent with their appearance in the abdomen region. Although there is no normal age or time in one's life (after 18), it is most often sought out after a woman has given birth and does not plan on having any more children. The reason that not having additional children is an important factor is that after the extra skin and muscle tissue is removed, the abdomen may not be able to accommodate another child. The skin could quite literally split. Although this probability will be individual-dependent. Mini tummy tucks are considered less invasive and are for minimal correction cases.



What does a typical Abdominoplasty consultation entail?

The surgeon will measure your abdomen and general torso region for an idea of an ideal abdomen size for you. Between pictures that you have brought in and with the information of how many children you have had, the two of you will set realistic goals on what is and isn't possible with an Abdominoplasty. You must remember that no amount of surgery can restore your skin to its former condition.



How is Abdominoplasty performed?

Abdominoplasty is performed most commonly under General Anesthesia or Light Sleep IV Sedation. Local anesthesia is then used to numb the abdomen. The operation is performed by making an incision in the lower abdomen just above the pubis. The incision may go from hip to hip. It is placed in the bikini line so that it is well hidden. The skin and fat is dissected off of the abdominal muscles all the way up to the bottom of the rib cage. The belly button is separated from the skin and most frequently all the skin and fat below the belly button is removed. Sometimes, sutures are placed on the muscles of the abdominal wall to tighten one side of the abdomen to the other and thereby flatten the abdomen remarkably. The skin above the belly button is drawn down to the pubis and sutured into position. A new hole is placed in the skin and the belly button is positioned in about the same spot that it existed before surgery. Your new tummy is then sutured into position. One or two drains are placed under the skin and rest on the abdominal muscle. The drain(s) exit below the incision on the pubis.



What are the different techniques for Abdominoplasty?

The different techniques pertaining to Abdominoplasty consist of the different incision shapes and placement. Although most surgeons attempt to place the incisions in the most inconspicuous area, some surgeons may not, so please discuss this with your surgeon beforehand. Some surgeons go completely horizontal and straight across, some use a 'V' shape, some a 'W' shape and still others follow along the bikini line. In my opinion an incision following the bikini line is the optimum for concealment purposes although your body's needs will determine the incision placement.



What should I expect post-operatively?

You are usually able to walk immediately after surgery and is in fact encouraged to do so 3 or 4 times per day for 1 to 2 minutes each time. However, you will more than likely not be able to stand up straight, more of a hunched over type of posture. The skin of the abdomen will be quite tight and you are usually instructed to remain bent over at least 45 degrees for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery. Patients will often note some back discomfort due to the 45 degree positioning for 4 to 5 days after surgery so ask your surgeon about muscle relaxants or valium.
The drains that have been placed will generally be removed 4 to 14 days after surgery. At the end of 4 days the patient may begin to straighten up and by six days post-op may or may not be fully straight. You should take it easy for at least two weeks after surgery. While the drains are in, you will be on bed rest with a very small amount of walking as outline above. However if your drains are in for an extended amount of time, you will of course not be expected to sit in bed all day. An abdominal pressure garment may be placed around you during one of your post-operative appointments and you may be instructed to wear this for 3 to 6 weeks.

Some swelling and discoloration are normal but generally this is minimal. Of course this is dependent upon the individual.



Is there much pain associated with Abdominoplasty?

The amount of pain associated with this procedure is quite variable. Some patients note a moderate amount of discomfort and for some it is more intense. But certainly there is some discomfort. Patients will often note some back discomfort due to the 45 degree positioning for 4 to 5 days after surgery. Valium is sometimes given to alleviate muscle spasms of the back and for relaxation and a sleep aid, in general.



Where are the scars located involving an Abdominoplasty?

This is not a scar-free surgery; in fact the scars may be quite severe depending upon the amount of skin needed to be removed, your body's ability to heal, if you scar well, the skill of the surgeon and the technique utilized. Most surgeons choose to offer their patients lesser scarring techniques that leave a well-hidden horizontal or slightly bowed scar which can be covered by a standard bikini. Be sure to discuss the incision types, techniques and placements with your surgeon at your consultation. Ideally, no scar would be wonderful, but that isn't possible -- yet.



Is there a lot of swelling involved with a Abdominoplasty?

There is a bit of swelling involved with an Abdominoplasty. You must take into account that Abdominoplasty is surgery and with this type of surgery and depending upon the case, a lot of tissue is removed.


When can I return to work?

Abdominoplasty is a very slow-to-heal-completely procedure. While the drains are in, the patient will be on bed rest with a very small amount of walking as outlined above. An abdominal pressure garment may be placed around you during one of your post-operative appointments and you may be instructed to wear this for 3 to 6 weeks. Most patients can and do return to work after 2 weeks. You simply should not have to sit at a desk for 8 hours after having had an Abdominoplasty.



When will I be able to see the results?

After the swelling subsides and the drains are taken out you will start to see a difference. You must realize that the underlying tissues have been cut and that an Abdominoplasty is considered a very invasive procedure. Give your body time to heal and you will reap the many benefits of the procedure.



What are the risks of Abdominoplasty?

Of course, as with any surgery under anesthesia, there are risks that primarily are the sole responsibility of the anesthetic. Please see our Anesthesia Section for more information.
here are more risks with Abdominoplasty due to the fat and its surrounding tissues becoming necrotic (dead tissue). If the fat becomes necrotic from lack of blood supply, the fat tends to turn orange-ish clear and a little may drain from the incision. Although this is very normal to have fluid this color drain from the incision. There will be fat damage, there will be fluid retention, and there will be blood-tinted drainage.
If the tissue becomes necrotic, or you have a massive die off of fat cells that's a completely different story. You must have the tissue removed before a major infection develops, possibly causing gangrene. This is extremely rare and taking precautions can certainly make a difference. Such as not smoking, proper wound care and proper surgeon selection with a sterile, accredited surgical suite or accredited hospital.
Sometimes Liposuction is part of the Abdominoplasty procedure. Even with the ultrasonic technique, patients have been known to receive actual burns from the ultrasonic technique. The fat is actually melted within the body by 'exciting' the fat molecules with high frequency radio waves and is suctioned out. There may be asymmetry, hyperpigmentation (permanent dark spots) from the bruising. Major blood loss is a factor is some cases. As is hematoma and infection. Just remember, Abdominoplasty or Liposuction is NOT the way to lose weight.
Another risk of Abdominoplasty is pulmonary Thromboemboli. A thromboebolus is a blood clot and this blood clot can break free and travel to the lungs resulting in pulmonary Thromboemboli. This can put a patient into adult breathing distress and subsequently into cardiac arrest or coma -- leading to the patient becoming 'brain dead' shortly thereafter or in a vegetative state from loss of oxygen to the brain. Pulmonary Thromboemboli can happen within three (3) weeks of the surgery but will most likely show symptoms of shortness of breath and fatigue within the first 72 hours. However, pulmonary Thromboemboli can occur suddenly, without warning. Most patients with P.E. collapse and begin rapid deterioration after attempting to climb a flight of stairs. Please see our Abdominoplasty Risks Section for more information.



What is Arnica montana, I have heard that it reduces swelling and bruising?

also known as: Mountain Tobacco, Mountain Arnica, Common Arnica, Leopard's Bane and Sneezewort
plant family: Asteraceae
type: Herbaceous perennial
parts used: Roots and flowers
description: Arnica montana or Leopard's Bane is a perennial herb, growing close to the ground. The leaves form a flat rosette, from the center of which rises a flower stalk, 1 to 2 feet high, bearing orange-yellow flowers. The rhizome is dark brown, cylindrical, usually curved, and bears brittle wiry rootlets on the under surface.
habitat: Indigenous to Central Europe, in woods and mountain pastures, although it has been found in England and Southern Scotland.
warning: This herb should NEVER be taken in raw form. This plant, like many medicinal plants if ingested, can cause intestinal bleeding, abdominal cramping and sickness. Homeopathy is the medicinal use of tinctures and suspensions using herbs and other plants and should never be consumed without proper preparation. Only respectable homeopathic remedies and tinctures should be consumed.
Read more on Arnica Montana? & Bromelain?


How long does an Abdominoplasty last?

This procedure can last for many, many years. If there are no large weight gains, and no pregnancies after the tummy tuck then the changes will be relatively permanent. Certainly some relaxation of the tissues can reoccur but not to the extent prior to surgery.





 Liposuction                                                                                                                                                          << TOP
  What is liposuction?
  Is liposuction a reasonable treatment for obesity?
  What is a successful liposuction surgery?
  Does liposuction always remove cellulite?
  Does liposuction produce permanent results?

Does the fat come back in other spots after liposuction?

  Does liposuction cause dimpling or indentations in the skin?
  What Alternatives Are There to Liposuction?


What is liposuction?

The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body's contour by removing excess fat deposits located between the skin and muscle. Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula (from the Latin word for reed, tube, cane). The liposuction cannula, typically connected to a powerful suction pump, is inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin, and fat is removed by suction as the cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fat. During the healing process after liposuction, these tiny tunnels shrink and disappear, resulting in an improved body contour.


Is liposuction a reasonable treatment for obesity?

Liposuction is not a good treatment of obesity. Liposuction is not effective, even as a last resort, for people who are unable to lose weight by dieting and exercise. Obese patients almost always regain the weight that is removed by liposuction unless there is a dramatic reduction in calorie intake (by dieting) or a significant increase in calorie expenditure (by exercising). Whenever large-volume liposuction has been used in an attempt to treat obesity by surgery, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of serious surgical complications. It is not safe to remove huge amounts of fat by liposuction. It is dangerous to remove more than 8 to 10 pounds of fat by liposuction in a single day. Thus, liposuction will not be of any significant benefit for an obese patient who believes that liposuction will aid in the effort to lose weight.

On the other hand, an overweight person whose weight has been stable for many years and has certain problem-areas of fat may be a good candidate for liposuction. Liposuction in an obese patient is reasonable when the goal is to improve a troublesome body contour area. It is not reasonable to use liposuction as a surgical technique for weight loss.



What is a successful liposuction surgery?

A liposuction surgery is a success when the patient is happy with the results. The surgeon's goal is to obtain an optimal aesthetic result rather than to maximize the amount of fat removed. One of the most common causes for disappointment in the results of liposuction surgery is the removal of too much fat, which produces an abnormal or unusual appearance. The cosmetic success of a liposuction surgery is often the result of removing an amount of fat equivalent to less than a pound or two of butter from a woman's saddlebag area or from a man's love handle area. While this amount of fat is relatively small compared to a person's total body weight, it does produce a dramatic change in the patient's silhouette.


Does liposuction always remove cellulite?

Liposuction improves the silhouette of the body, but does not necessarily eliminate the pre-existing subtle "puckering" of the skin that is often referred to as "cellulite." Liposuction does reduce the degree of cellulite to a degree but it is unlikely to completely eliminate cellulite.


Does liposuction produce permanent results?

After liposuction the body's new shape is more or less permanent. If a patient does gain a moderate amount of weight after liposuction, then the figure will simply be a larger version of the new body shape. Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. As long as the patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, the new, more pleasing silhouette is permanent. Of course after liposuction the clock keeps ticking, and advancing age will produce the usual changes in the shape of the body associated with the aging process. If a person gains weight after liposuction, she/he will not accumulate as much fat in the treated areas as would have happened if liposuction had not been done.


Does the fat come back in other spots after liposuction?

If a patient does not gain weight after liposuction, then fat does not accumulate in other areas of the body. However, if a patient gains a significant amount of weight, say more than 10 pounds (5 kg), after liposuction, then the fat must go somewhere. In fact, the fat accumulates in every area of the body in proportion to the amount of fat cells in each area. Areas where fat cells have been removed by liposuction will accumulate relatively little fat, while areas not treated by liposuction will collect relatively more fat. For example, if a woman gains weight after liposuction of her hips, outer thighs, and abdomen, then most of the fat will be deposited elsewhere such as the woman's breasts, face, back and legs.



Does liposuction cause dimpling or indentations in the skin?

Dimpling and indentations in the skin is a known risk of liposuction. However skin irregularities are unusual in the hands of a skilled surgeon. The use of large diameter cannulas tends to increase the risk of irregularities, while the use of microcannulas (less than 2.8 mm in outside diameter) reduces this risk. The use of microcannulas and multiple adits (very tiny 1.5 mm round holes placed in the skin) allows the surgeon to make a criss-cross pattern of tiny tunnels throughout the fat which produces smoother liposuction results compared to using larger cannulas and only two or three entrance incisions. When large cannulas are used, any inadvertent passage of the cannula too close to the skin may leave a depression or furrow, whereas one pass too close to the skin with a microcannula will not leave a visible depression.


What Alternatives Are There to Liposuction?

Liposuction is never absolutely necessary. If you decide that liposuction is not for you, then you may consider the following alternatives to liposuction. Weight loss without liposuction can produce excellent aesthetic results. Weight loss can be achieved by dieting (decreased calorie intake) or by increased exercise (expenditure of calories). An alternative to abdominal liposuction is a tummy tuck.


Mesotherapy                                                                                                                                                        << TOP
  What is Mesotherapy?
  What does the Mesotherapy procedure involve?
  What are the ingredients in Mesotherapy injections?
  Are the Mesotherapy treatments painful?

What benefits does Mesotherapy have over surgical techniques such as Liposuction?

  What are the side effects and risks of Mesotherapy?
  Can I go back to work after the Mesotherapy treatment?
  How long do the benefits of Mesotherapy last?
  Is it Mesotherapie or Mesotherapy?


What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a technique which has been used in France for over 50 years, where small amounts of medication, vitamins and supplements are injected into fat and the connective tissue of the skin (called the mesoderm) for many cosmetic and medical purposes including reduction of cellulite and fat. More about: What is Mesotherapy?


What does the Mesotherapy procedure involve?

An injection is administered just below the surface of the skin at the location of the problem area. It can be used just about anywhere on the body, but is mostly used to treat the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, knees, and ankles.


What are the ingredients in Mesotherapy injections?

The mesotherapy injection is a solution of various vitamins, minerals, enzymes, plant extracts, anesthetics, medications and amino acids. The makeup of the solution varies depending on the needs of the patient and the effect desired while allowing for a greater level of safety when issues such as drug interactions and allergies exist.
How many treatments are required before the results are visible?
A treatment cycle could require as few as 4 and as many as 10 treatments or more depending on the size of the area being treated and the results desired.


Are the Mesotherapy treatments painful?

The procedure has minimal discomfort, but if a patient is sensitive to needles, a mild painkiller, local anesthetic or numbing cream can be used. The discomfort level is often compared to that of waxing.


What benefits does Mesotherapy have over surgical techniques such as Liposuction?

The primary advantage of Mesotherapy over Liposuction is that it is a non-invasive procedure and therefore does not have the risks and downtime associated with surgery. Liposuction permanently removes the fat cells and is arguably a more permanent solution; however, it is a frequent problem with liposuction to have visibly uneven results which can be treated with Mesotherapy.


How much does Mesotherapy cost?

Mesotherapy is still relatively new to American market, so cost might vary by city and doctor. A treatment may run anywhere from $350-$600 per area per treatment and a fee may apply for initial consultation.

Packages are available and are more economical when multiple sessions are needed. 


What are the side effects and risks of Mesotherapy?

The side effects of Mesotherapy are extremely minimal and usually are limited to minor bruising.


Can I go back to work after the Mesotherapy treatment?

There is no need for recovery time and you should be able to return to normal activities immediately.


How long do the benefits of Mesotherapy last?

Patients who make a commitment to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle following treatment should see their results last. Some patients require some maintenance every six to twelve months.

Is it Mesotherapie or Mesotherapy?

The original French spelling of the word is mesotherapie, however in the United States it is Mesotherapy. It is often misspelled as mezotherapy, misotherapy, meso therapy or mesatherapy. The correct pronunciation is "mee-zo-therapy." 



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